Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Spices, Oils, and Herbs! Oh My!

Our trusty tour guide also dropped us off at this wonderful place, where we were given a presentation on spices, herbs, and oils in Morocco.
We were led into this room with tons of spices on shelves around the room.

During our presentation, this lovely lady came in to give us massages using argane oil. It was awesome! Argane oil comes from the argane nut and is used in cooking as well as for dry skin. It's very popular here in Morocco in kitchens and for cosmetic purposes.

Here's our guy who gave us the presentation. He showed us herbs, spices, and oils to be used for all kinds of ailments. One of the spices he showed us was saffron, which is about 1/20th of the price you could find back in the States. It's interesting how some things are so much cheaper and others are much more expensive.

There were spices everywhere. Even on the stairways!

I came away with some mint tea, ginseng, slimming tea (guarantee to lose 2 kilos in 2 weeks!), and some cosmetic argane oil. Our friendly presentation guy gave us some argane oil for cooking, a cloth loofah like thing, and some rose cream for gifts. All in all, a great experience.


Linda Reeder said...

Annie, I found your blog. I didn't know about it, but now I want to spend some time going back and catching up! Thank you for letting me know about it. I just read some about Ramadan while I'm on my "lunch break". I have to get back outside to get some more work done. Rain moves in tomorrow.
Catch you later.

mansionmogul said...

Isn't Saffron one of the most expensive spices in the world? Gurl, you've got the hook up!