Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Explore Morocco week was full of all sorts of exciting art. These guys came to do some plasterwork outside of the main office around this fountain. (Fountains are traditionally outside of buildings and supply water to neighborhoods- people come to the fountain to get their water and carry it home. Our school's fountain is merely for decoration.)

To start the plaster work, these guys built up the wall with coats of plaster.

They used measuring tape to pencil in the design for the plaster as they worked.

Then, using a chisel, they engraved their designs into the plaster.

It took them a week, but when all was done, it became a beautiful addition to our school.


mansionmogul said...

WOW! That's amazing.

Linda Reeder said...

Hi. I'm catching up with your blog, but not with you, apparently. What a jet setter. I take it you are now in France? What a life!