Saturday, August 30, 2008

Teachers are dorks!

So what did I do on a Friday night in Casablanca? I found an internet connection and looked at WASL results for the state, Highline, and McMicken. Then, Julie came over and we checked out her old school's results too. We had a great time discussing what total dorks we were for choosing to spend our time looking at test data! Eventually, talk turned off of school, but we sure did have a blast analyzing data. :)


Megan said...

My 5th graders ROCKED it last year. We'll see what happens this year... :)

By the way, you are so way cool for doing that.

Linda Reeder said...

Annie, I'm reading backwards in your blog. I found this one and chuckled. I looked up the McM scores too, and I was appalled! How can they keep up with the changing demographic demands when they have so many new teachers, long term subs for maternity leave, and a principal who has no clue? Bev and I share the thought that we are glad it's not our problem anymore.