Thursday, March 12, 2009

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I haven't yet learned to speak much Arabic and I surely can't read or write Arabic, but I'm glad I was able to figure out what this billboard was telling me. Apparently, you're not allowed to make out with anyone in the front seat of the car. :) I guess it could also mean that your children should sit in the back. I probably should learn to read Arabic so I can know for sure.

I have no idea what the 10 means - maybe it's a 10 dirham ($1.25) fine?


mansionmogul said...

"No 10 Minutes in Heaven, in your Car". At least I think that's what it says.

Wendio said...

I say make out with someone in the front seat of a car and see what happens!

Anonymous said...

Before you attempt a make-out session, confirm what the 10 means. I think it could be 10 lashings or something corporal like that...

Anonymous said...

I am going to be totally lame and say that it probably means that children under 10 must ride in the back....dang, so lame!

Nevermind I agree with Brooke, it is definitly 10 Minutes in Heaven!
