Once you pass the first tunnel or two, the delightful stench of sewage begins to overwhelm your senses. Needless to say, this is not the environment for a pregnant lady - Emily's pregnancy prevented us all from really taking it all in. Here's a pic of us standing right over the sewage - the majority of the tour was walking around these grates that protected us from falling in. Yum!
Once we got to this delightful section, I had only a moment to snap a photograph of the labeled displays before rushing towards the exit. 
No trip to the Paris Sewer Tour is complete without a stop at the gift shop to pick up souvenir sewer mice for the kiddo back home. Spectacular!
Dreams really DO come true!
PS. I could've gotten you the real thing here in DC though. Mice, that is.
PPS. You look skinny.
I don't think awful sewer smell has much to do with pregnancy, although YES it would be ten fold... it is POOP in your nose that smells! Gross and awesome - I am so glad you got to go.
PS - Kris, if you read this, shave the crap off your face ;)
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