Saturday, February 7, 2009

Road Trip!

Here's the video from my latest road trip. My awesome brother Mike came down and we rented a car to get off the beaten track. I love a good trip - check out the dazzling scenery.


Anonymous said...

"indescribable feelings" for sure. That was the coldest night of my life.
What a great trip. That purple rug sure is a "magical carpet"!!

Anonymous said...

love it anne! looks like yall had a blast. love you!

oh p.s thanks for the recognition in the credits lol love it

mansionmogul said...

Monkeys and tiny cars!

Anonymous said...


Wendio said...

I dont know what I love more, the fact that Mike was listed as 'Mike the Drive' or the awesome music I couldn't help but sing along to... keep em' coming!

casablancalady said...

Thanks for reminding me, Casey - we didn't even play the alphabet game at all on this road trip. How the heck did we entertain ourselves without it?