When I think of Trafalgar Square, I think of statues of famous dudes, the National Gallery, pigeons and lions. A side note about pigeons - also called "sky rats". Trafalgar Square used to be home to tons of them. People sold feed to give them and pigeons swarmed the area. After getting sick of pigeons pooping on unsuspecting visitors, feeding the pigeons was finally outlawed. A trained falcon was also brought in, not to hunt the pigeons, but to make its presence known so that they would stay away. They keep the falcon well fed, so that pigeon corpses don't drop in place of their feces. :)
Trafalgar Square is famous for this monument with 4 surrounding lions at its center.The square also has famous dudes on horses in 3 of the 4 corners.

In the fourth corner, there is this masterpiece.

Nothing against modern art, but REALLY?!? It just feels so totally out of place. I would probably love this piece if I was walking through the storage/shelving section of IKEA, but I was not a fan of its presence in Trafalgar Square. I wonder what happened to the fourth dude on a horse? Maybe it's at the Tate Modern...

1 comment:
good call. that's a really poor choice for that spot. sculpture is not my favorite.
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