Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Indescribable Feelings

Indescribable Feeling
It was literally freezing the night we stayed in Azrou. There was snow on the ground and our water bottles were frozen in the morning. Our hotel cost a whopping 100 dirhams ($12) per double room. The price included friendly service, communal bathrooms, sink in each room and 3-4 blankets per bed. There was a single propane heater, kept outside our rooms in this Berber decorated hallway.

A wondrous place for you and me...and one more!
We all went to bed with as many clothes on as possible and Julie & I lucked out by having the added comfort of body heat in our double bed. Around 6am, after hours of shaking and shivering, Mike came to join us. The three of us spent another couple of hours cramped in this bed with 8 blankets to save ourselves from frostbite. In the morning, we were wearing everything we brought with us and carried our toiletries and extra blankets out to the car. I love adventures!

1 comment:

Wendio said...

Sounds right up your trip planning experiances!