Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pizza Night

When Kris, Emily and I were in London, my parents treated us to a yummy Pizza Night. We all chipped in and did our part to create our lovely meal. Mom stole some pages out of a magazine at the doctor's office that gave an awesome recipe for pizza dough and sauce. She also chopped up all sorts of toppings to put on the various pizzas we made.
Dad and Kris manned the barbecue. Luckily, they had some Guinness to keep them company while they warmed up the grill.

Dad was in charge of keeping his pizza stone covered in semolina flour to prevent the pizza from sticking.

He and Kris teamed up to transfer the pizza from the pan to the stone.

Once the pizza was cooked, Emily cut them into pieces and we all ate them.

Here's Kris with the after pizza and the before pizza. Go Team!

You may be wondering what I was doing to help with this endeavor. Well, I was the photographer, which is of course the most important job. I was also a bit of a jack of all trades as I spent time chopping with mom, dictating toppings, and making sure everyone had cold beverages. I guess that was probably my most important duty. :)


Anonymous said...

It was a yummy night. Lots of help in the kitchen and out.

mike said...

nice pies