Garbage trucks, like this one, pick up the garbage from the garbage cans and carry it off to the official garbage dumps. So far, this probably sounds like what happens all over the world in terms of garbage.
The interesting thing about garbage pick up here is that bread is kept separate. Plastic bags full of bread are left next to the garbage cans and the garbage truck drivers place them on top of the gas tank. They are then distributed to people in need, who often sell them to others to feed animals. It is against Islam to waste bread, so it's a pretty important part of life here.
How did you find out that they put the bread by the gas tank? Is that the gas tank of the garbage truck? How did you get that picture?
I took the picture when I was in Jen's car on the way home at a light. We asked Mohammed, our driver on our trip to Chefchaouen, about it and he confirmed what I had heard about how they put the bread on the gas tanks to deliver it to the needy. Very interesting stuff!
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