Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Aid Mubarack (Happy Holidays!)

Yesterday was the last day of Ramadan, so today was an extra day off to celebrate Aid. Signals sounded Tuesday night marking today as a day of celebration. Absolutely nothing was open and the only sounds were cars full of locals going to visit family. Moroccans compare it to Christmas, as it is a time for family, food, and gifts. I leave for Marrakesh and Essoiaura tomorrow and will be back Tuesday since school starts up again on Wednesday. I'm excited to travel in Morocco and then to come back to a city that doesn't shut down from 6-8pm. I know I've been terrible at posting - I promise to take lots of pictures and to post more when I get back!


Anonymous said...

Seriously, I thought you disappeared forever! Have fun on your trip!

mansionmogul said...

Have an excellent trip! Can't wait to see more pics!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you have been rather lame!