Monday, December 29, 2008

What do you do with the head?

**WARNING: More nastiness from Eid el Kibir!**

Julie took some great pics of her experience at Fatima Zhara's house - she even got to experience the sheep head barbecue! All over Casablanca, on the day of the Eid, people stood in the streets with their blazing fires, so that each family could bring their sheep's head to be put over the fire. I was inside with Sabah's family, so I didn't get a chance to see this firsthand. However, I did get a detailed account...
Step 1: Completely sever the head from the rest of the sheep.
Step 2: Bring sheep head and hooves to the fire people around the corner. They'll have other heads and hooves already cooking.

Step 3: Have them place your sheep's head over the fire.

Step 4: Place sheep head back in the bucket to bring home.
(Tip: Make sure they get it nice and crispy!)
Step 5: Scrape hair off of the sheep head to prepare for cooking. (Tom - doesn't this remind you of the boar head? We totally should have put it over a fire before skinning it. Now I know the trick for next time...)

Step 6: Steam sheep head and serve for dinner! Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of the final product, nor did I eat any sheep brains. I'm sure it was delightful.
PS: Happy 21st Birthday, Pat! We are probably having so much fun in Kenya right now! Love you.


mansionmogul said...

Ok, I made it this far through the detailed posts, but now I'm officially grossed out. Grody! Annie, I miss you right now gurl. Seattle just isn't the same without you!

Anonymous said...

It seems I come to the right place, because I found something I like, and sometimes things are really looking for opportunities to take!
Personalized signatures:贵阳川麻将,泰兴麻将,泰州卡子麻将,宜宾麻将,常德转转麻将,常州麻将,东北麻将

Anonymous said...

Good article, good things, good feelings, good BLOG!